Protecting Elder Abuse Victims in Williamson County, Tennessee

The Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS) Adult Protective Services (APS) unit is devoted to safeguarding adults who are unable to protect themselves due to age, disability, or other factors. In collaboration with the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance and the Tennessee Vulnerable Adults Coalition (TVAC), TDHS is striving to raise awareness and put an end to elder abuse. If you or someone you know is a victim of elder abuse in Williamson County, Tennessee, there are a number of resources available to help. TDHS APS provides a range of services, such as investigating allegations of abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation; assessing the victim's safety and well-being; referring them to appropriate services; and advocating for them.

In addition to the services provided by TDHS APS, there are other organizations that offer assistance to victims of elder abuse in Williamson County. The Tennessee Vulnerable Adults Coalition (TVAC) is a statewide organization that works to prevent elder abuse and provide support for victims. TVAC offers educational programs and materials on elder abuse prevention, support groups for victims and their families, and advocacy services. The Williamson County Senior Citizens Council also provides assistance to victims of elder abuse.

The Council offers information and referral services, transportation assistance, and legal assistance. If you or someone you know is a victim of elder abuse in Williamson County, Tennessee, there are resources available to help. The TDHS APS unit and organizations like TVAC and the Williamson County Senior Citizens Council can provide assistance and support.

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