Help for Survivors of Human Trafficking in Mount Juliet, Tennessee

Are you a victim of human trafficking living in Williamson County, Tennessee? If so, you are not alone. There are a variety of programs and services available to help you. Here is a list of 17 social service programs that can provide assistance. The first step is to file a request through the Williamson County Attorney's Office.

To do this, you must meet one of the criteria: you must be a resident of Williamson County; the defendant must be a resident of Williamson County; or the incidents that resulted in the protection order had to occur in Williamson County. Once your request is approved, you can access a range of services, including legal aid, counseling, housing assistance, and job training. The Williamson County Attorney's Office can also provide referrals to other organizations that specialize in helping victims of human trafficking. The Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS) also offers assistance to survivors of human trafficking. TDHS provides a variety of services, such as crisis intervention, case management, and access to medical and mental health care.

Additionally, TDHS offers financial assistance for those who need help with basic needs like food, clothing, and shelter. The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) is another organization that provides help for survivors of human trafficking. TBI works with local law enforcement agencies to investigate cases of human trafficking and provide support to victims. TBI also offers educational programs and resources to help survivors understand their rights and options. The Tennessee Coalition Against Human Trafficking (TCHT) is an organization that works to end human trafficking in Tennessee. TCHT provides resources and support for survivors of human trafficking, including legal aid, counseling, and job training.

TCHT also works with local law enforcement agencies to investigate cases of human trafficking and provide support to victims. Finally, the Williamson County Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force (WCATTF) is an organization dedicated to ending human trafficking in Williamson County. WCATTF provides resources and support for survivors of human trafficking, including legal aid, counseling, and job training. WCATTF also works with local law enforcement agencies to investigate cases of human trafficking and provide support to victims. If you are a survivor of human trafficking living in Williamson County, Tennessee, there are many programs and services available to help you. Reach out to any one of these organizations for assistance.

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